Running/Jogging/Rollerblading Group.


Tanya - MEETinEindhoven Leader

1. Starting at the Van Abbe Museum, take the red fietspad WEST along the Bilderdijklaan. The road surface is very good!

2. Take this fietspad over the bridge (Jan Smitzlaan) and then TURN LEFT onto Edenstraat.

3. Before the next bridge TURN RIGHT, cross over the street, and follow the same fietspad onto Van Meursstraat.

4. TURN LEFT onto Van Maerlandtlaan.

5. Continue soouth through the tunnel, onto Sinta Claralaan
6. TURN LEFT into the park, onto Genneperparkweg.
7. VEER LEFT in the park onto the Tongelreapad. Follow this path to the end.
8. TURN LEFT back into the park on the path heading north.
9. Continue to north onto Alberdingk Thijmlaan and take this to the end.

10. TURN LEFT onto the Doctor Schaepmanlaan and continue on, veering to the RIGHT onto the Edenstraat.

11. TURN RIGHT onto Jan Smitzlaan and continue to PC Hooftlaan.

12. TURN LEFT onto PC Hooftlaan and continue to the corner.

13. You've returned to the Van Abbe and your short route of 4.66 km is fini!
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